Patriot's Pen 2024-2025
VFW National Headquarters announces the Patriot's Pen 2024-2025 Theme,
"My Voice in America's Democracy?"
VFW Kicks-Off Annual Essay Competition
Fowlerville, Mi. July 1, 2024 – Commander William (Butch) Ogden of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Curtis-Session, Swartz-White Post 6464, Fowlerville, announced the kick-off of the VFW’s annual Patriot’s Pen youth essay competition. Middle school students in grades 6-8 in this area have the opportunity to compete and win thousands of dollars in national awards.
The VFW enacted the Patriot’s Pen competition in 1995 to encourage young minds to examine America’s history, along with their own experiences in modern American society by composing a 300 to 400 word patriotic-themed essay. The theme for the 2024-2025 competition is "My Voice in America’s Democracy?”
Students begin by competing at the local Post level. Post winners advance to District competition with District winners advancing to the state competition. State first-place winners
Student Entry Deadline: October 31, 2024
Patriotic Written Essay Competition Grand Prize: $5,000 Award
Patriot's Pen 2023-2024
"How are you inspired by America?”
Grace Mae Schneider
First Place Winner from Perry Middle School
"How are you inspired by America?"
America is truly an inspirational
country. Ever since the colonists rebelled against the British, America has
inspired underdogs around the world with our grit and determination. Americans
value equality of all people, and have tried to help other countries do the
same. The thought of Patrick Henry willing to give his life up for freedom is
so patriotic. American veterans are risking their lives daily promising
Americans liberty. How people fought so hard for many years to be able to vote.
I have a hard time grasping the
concept that women around the world have few job options to choose. It disturbs
me that even the great America only gave women few options in the recent past. It
seems unfair that women in some countries are still not allowed the rights we
have today. When I was younger, I read an abridged version of "Little Women”. I
remember as I read the beginning, I hated that Jo couldn’t join the army, or
become a writer. I remember getting frustrated at Aunt March for telling Jo to
marry rich, or become an actress. There’s nothing wrong about getting married
or becoming an actress; it just shocked me that it was the only option for
women. I’m so lucky to live in America, where women can try to do anything,
they want. Everyone regardless of race, gender, differently abled, and so forth
can contribute to society.
America’s history has changed significantly over the years. It’s honestly amazing how it went from a new country, unknown and undiscovered to the America we know! America sets the world standards. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution created the significancy of America. It gave us our freedom of speech, our right of due process, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and so much more. The founders knew other countries were not granting these freedoms, but God had already granted them to everyone.
How fast America has grown, and prospered is amazing. It honestly inspires me to thrive into my own American dream. How those small groups of colonists turned into states, and how those states turned into a country. What truly inspires me is how those colonists were regular people, and how those people came together despite their differences. That’s why I love America. No matter how strange, odd, or different you are in the end everyone comes together as one. It truly is a melting pot, the great experiment.
Past Patriots Pen Winners
2018-2019 Josiah J. Schafer Fowlerville Junior High School "Why I Honor the American Flag"
2019-2020 Brennan M Wyrembelski Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School "What Makes America Great"
2020-2021 Elsa G. Rosenthal Fowlerville Junior High School "What is Patriotism to Me"
2021-2022 Jackson Harlan Williamston Middle School "How Can I Be a Good American"
2021-2022 Bristol M Thomas Fowlerville Junior High School "How Can I Be a Good American"
2022-2023 Bristol M Thomas Fowlerville Junior High School "My Pledge to Our Veterans"
2023-2024 Grace Mae Schneider Perry Middle School "How are you inspired by America?"
2024-2024 "My Voice in America's Democracy?"