One by one, as the years roll on, we are called upon to fulfill these sad duties of respect to our departed comrades. The present, full of the cares that beset all nations whether engaged in war or peace, fades away as we look back on the day this comrade left their home to defend their country. Imbued by a spirit of devotion and inspired by an undying love of their native land, they gladly went forth and joined with comrades both young and old to preserve our heritage of freedom.
We trust that the example set by our comrade will prove a glorious beacon to the youth of our country, who may be called to uphold the honor of our Flag.
As the years roll on, we, too, shall have finished our fight, shall be laid to rest, and our souls follow the long column to the realms above, as all-enfolding death, hour by hour, shall mark his recruits.
Comrades, let us so live that when the Keeper of Eternal Records shall have called our names for the last time, those we leave behind may say of us, as we say now of this comrade. "Here lies all that is mortal of a true-hearted comrade, and a fearless defender of their country and flag".
Excerpt from "VFW Congressional Charter, By-Laws & Manual of Procedure & Ritual." Never has truer words been spoken. Let us never forget those who came before us.